Javascript projects

Hospital patient records

Vishal Kumar | 03 Aug 2023

This project is useful for storing the data of patients in a hospital. In this project, three input fields are used, that are, patient name, age and disease.

Marksheet generator

Vishal Kumar | 02 Aug 2023

It generates a marksheet by taking input as marks for different subjects and after calculating the percentage and grade, it gives marksheet.

IPL Team Project

Vishal Kumar | 25 Sep 2023

In this project, details of IPL team are stored, we can add any specific team and team player and also view details of specific team and team player.

Student/Teacher records

Vishal Kumar | 26 July 2023

This stores the data of students and teachers manually. We have one home page where we can choose whose data we have to store teachers or students.

Set your journey

Vishal Kumar | 04 Aug 2023

Using the set your journey app you can plan your journey. Three input fields are there one is for destination, second is for date and the third is for time.

The quiz app

Vishal Kumar | 06 Aug 2023

This project is based on quiz containing ten questions and four options for each question. After submitting the quiz, score will be shown in the score board.

Responsive Quiz app

Vishal Kumar | 07 Nov 2023

This is an interesting responsive quiz web app with stylish design. A timer is also added in the quiz. You have to enter your name before playing quiz.

My Strength Shree Krishna

Vishal Kumar | 15 Nov 2023

This website is based on devotional content. Many resources and references are here to motivate you towards Krishna's devotion.

ShopLane Website

Vishal Kumar | 12 Aug 2023

This is a shopping website, user can add his/her favourite item into cart and by clicking on the cart he/she can place the order.

Expense Tracker App

Vishal Kumar | 16 Feb 2024

Built an expense tracking website using html, css and javascript. With the help of this app, we can easily maintain our expenses according to our income.

Social Media Dashboard

Vishal Kumar | 16 Feb 2024

In this website, after signing up, users can access the dashboard, and can create, edit or delete the post. And can see dashboard in white or dark mode.


Vishal Kumar | 16 Feb 2024

A simple and amazing portfolio containing a jumbotron, about, education, experience, projects, skills and contact sections.