What Is Coding?

Coding is the process of writing instructions that computers can understand so that they know how to perform a particular set of tasks. The code that you write depends on the goals of the system and the constraints of the language in which you’re writing that code.

What Is a Coder?

A coder is someone who uses code to tell computers how to perform different tasks. Computer code is the language using which they communicate with computers. In the same way that humans have different languages, there are different programming languages for computers. It used to be common for computer programmers to use machine language, which was composed of binary code. But the popular computer languages today are high-level languages like Javascript, C, Python, and Java. The job of a coder varies depending on the software systems that they’re involved in. An application developer will work on building apps for different platforms, which is what we know as app development. Database developers build and maintain databases and their constitutive elements like database tables and fields. A front-end web developer builds websites and writes code that dictates the behavior of every element of a website.

What Does a Coder Do?

a coder is someone who creates software by converting a task into a set of commands for the system to process and execute. Websites, mobile applications, and operating systems are common types of software. To understand what coders do, let’s take the example of digital transactions. One cannot simply create a ‘pay now’ tab on a website and start processing payments. In fact, every such transaction is a result of complex code that enables a seamless user experience. Computing systems understand binary language, a series of zeroes and ones. Since creating software using binary code is challenging, coders use programming languages. A translator software called compiler further breaks this code into binary for the computer to understand. Most coding jobs require developers to write code using programming languages like Java, HTML, Python, etc. depending on the task at hand, as each language serves a distinct purpose.